How to recover Spot Wallet?

Nikita Verkhovin

Spot Wallet was unfortunately shut down on April 30, 2024. Transactions cannot be made using the Spot Wallet. The only option is to switch to another wallet. Fortunately, Spot was a non-custodial wallet that used the BIP39 standard, so you can recover your funds in Coin Wallet following the instructions below.

How to recover Spot Wallet?

1. To recover your bitcoins from Spot Wallet, first find your 12-word recovery phrases. Here's how to find it on an iPhone using Spot Wallet.

step 1a step 1b

2. Log in to your existing Coin Wallet account using the 12-word recovery phrase provided by Spot Wallet.

step 2

Done! Now your bitcoins can be spent.

Derivation paths

There is one more setting required because the derivation paths for Ethereum and some other coins differ from the defaults.

1. Select Ethereum.

step 1

2. Go to the "Derivation Path" page.

step 2

3. Enter m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 then click the "Save" button.

step 3

Use the following paths for other coins:

  • Polygon: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0

Please email if you're still having issues.