How to create Litecoin wallet

Nikita Verkhovin

Litecoin is an open-source, global, and decentralized cryptocurrency network. Litecoin processes transactions faster and stores data more efficiently than the leading math-based currency. Litecoin complements Bitcoin by providing industry support, trade volume, and liquidity. With a market value of $7.4 billion, Litecoin is the 19th most valuable cryptocurrency in the world right now.


To become the complete owner of LTC, you must first create a new Coin Wallet account. Coin Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, or software application, that allows you to store and manage your LTC private keys on your device, including receiving, sending, exchanging, buying, and selling.

How to create Litecoin wallet

1. Install Coin Wallet on your preferred platform: iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, or Linux. Or simply open the Web application in your browser.

2. Press the "Create new wallet" button.

step 2

3. Press the "Generate Passphrase" button.

step 3

4. Put the generated passphrase's 12 words on paper and store it somewhere secure. Check all the boxes and read the Terms of Service.

step 4

5. Enter two specific words from your passphrase and press the "Confirm" button.

step 5

6. Set up a PIN for quick access. This PIN will only be used on the current device.

step 6

7. If you want to use biometric authentication instead of a PIN, enable it (optional).

step 7

8. Done. Your main screen will appear in a few seconds. Find and select Litecoin from the list of cryptocurrencies.

step 8

9. Open the "Receive" page to view your Litecoin wallet address. Use it to receive LTC.

step 9

Please contact via email if you have any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Litecoin wallet free?

Installation of Litecoin wallet is completely free.

What is the best wallet for LTC?

We suggest that you use Coin Wallet. More Litecoin wallets are described in this article.

How do I find my Litecoin wallet address?

To locate your Litecoin wallet address, select Litecoin from the list of your cryptocurrencies and go to the “Receive” page.