How to migrate from Coinbase Wallet?

Nikita Verkhovin

Coinbase Wallet is a non-custodial crypto wallet from Coinbase. It offers features like hands-on web3 learning, crypto rewards, and a built-in NFT gallery. The wallet is available in 25 languages and over 170 countries, and offers industry-leading security features.

Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase Wallet generates a passphrase with twelve words using the BIP39 standard. Coin Wallet fulfills the requirements of this standard.

How to migrate from Coinbase Wallet?

1. You must first locate your 12-word recovery phrase in order to migrate your bitcoins from the Coinbase Wallet. To find your recovery phrase, follow the steps below on the Coinbase Wallet mobile app.

step 1a step 1b

2. Using your 12-word recovery phrase from Coinbase Wallet, log into your existing Coin Wallet account.

step 2

Ready! Your bitcoins are now available for use.

Derivation paths

Since the default derivation paths of Ethereum and some other coins differ, one more setting needs to be made.

1. Pick Ethereum.

step 1

2. Navigate to the "Derivation Path" page.

step 2

3. Enter m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 into the input and click the "Save" button.

step 3

For other coins, use the following paths:

  • Avalanche: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  • Binance Smart Chain: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  • Polygon: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0

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