Monero address example

Nikita Verkhovin

Monero has three types of addresses:

  • Standard. 95 characters in length, starting with "4". Basic address type, also known as raw address.
  • Subaddress. 95 characters in length, starting with "8". A payment ID is embedded in an integrated address.
  • Integrated. 106 characters in length, starting with "4".

Monero address examples

Type Example
Standard 45GjcbHh1fvEyXEA6mDAKqNDMmy1Gon6CNHrdhp9hghfLXQNQj4J76TLtwYGoooKApWLM7kaZwdAxLycceHmuVcELCSFPHq
Subaddress 84EgZVjXKF4d1JkEhZSxm4LQQEx64AvqQEwkvWPtHEb5JMrB1Y86y1vCPSCiXsKzbfS9x8vCpx3gVgPaHCpobPYqQzANTnC
Integrated 4FKZ5LYDj98gmRH9ex4GCUi7SCpBeckyX5vi97A2YSN9a5wHYGXKfMfZXHXZGJn87X6NDHAB2jZWWRnnysWoeHTw6XGSCDXRoad4zyZZt5

It is possible to receive transactions with any address type. However, standard and subaddress types are the best options for receiving XMR. Integrated address types are better suited to online stores and exchanges.